Yuri Goligorsky’s Journalistic Journey to the Heights of the BBC. ON THE VIBE OF SUCCESS — A blog about extraordinary people with Kristi
Yuri Goligorsky’s Journalistic Journey to the Heights of the BBC. ON THE VIBE OF SUCCESS — A blog about extraordinary people with Kristi
Yuri Goligorsky’s Journalistic Journey to the Heights of the BBC. ON THE VIBE OF SUCCESS — A blog about extraordinary people with Kristi
Yuri Goligorsky’s Journalistic Journey to the Heights of the BBC. ON THE VIBE OF SUCCESS — A blog about extraordinary people with Kristi
Yuri Goligorsky’s Journalistic Journey to the Heights of the BBC. ON THE VIBE OF SUCCESS — A blog about extraordinary people with Kristi
Yuri Goligorsky’s Journalistic Journey to the Heights of the BBC. ON THE VIBE OF SUCCESS — A blog about extraordinary people with Kristi
Yuri Goligorsky’s Journalistic Journey to the Heights of the BBC. ON THE VIBE OF SUCCESS — A blog about extraordinary people with Kristi
Yuri Goligorsky’s Journalistic Journey to the Heights of the BBC. ON THE VIBE OF SUCCESS — A blog about extraordinary people with Kristi
Yuri Goligorsky’s Journalistic Journey to the Heights of the BBC. ON THE VIBE OF SUCCESS — A blog about extraordinary people with Kristi
Yuri Goligorsky’s Journalistic Journey to the Heights of the BBC. ON THE VIBE OF SUCCESS — A blog about extraordinary people with Kristi
Yuri Goligorsky’s Journalistic Journey to the Heights of the BBC. ON THE VIBE OF SUCCESS — A blog about extraordinary people with Kristi


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2:03 🎉 “Meeting the Legend: The First and Only Live Broadcast”
4:47 👩‍💼 “Leadership Through a Woman’s Eye: Governing the World”
6:07 📖 “The Path to Journalism: More Than a Profession”
10:05 👨‍👦 “Family Ties: Understanding with the Brother”
10:34 🏡 “Parental Support: On the Way to Success”
11:15 🇮🇱 “Israeli Lessons: The Beginning of a Journalistic Journey”
12:26 💡 “Professionalism vs. System: Becoming a Specialist”
13:31 🤍 “The Test of Deportation: Strength of Spirit”
18:08 🌏 “Teaching and Training: Missions in Russia”
23:23 🌁 “London Years: A Look Through the Prism of Time”
30:52 📺 “The Influence of BBC on Career and Life”
36:41 🎭 “Art and Life: Gaps in the USA”
42:06 🔄 “Unforeseen Situations: How We Adapted”
44:19 ⏳ “Looking Back: What Would You Change?”
49:58 🌟 “DNA of a Successful Journalist: Necessary Qualities”
50:37 🤷‍♂️ “Three Words: Defining the Personality”
52:33 🗣️ “English Language: The First Step to Success in London”
57:13 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 “Balancing Work and Family”
1:02:00 💖 “Home Warmth: The Influence of Parents on Children”
1:04:25 📚 “Continuing the Path: Unchanging Passion for Journalism”
1:04:55 ❤️ “Charity: Contribution to the Future”
1:07:34 📰 “BBC: Legacy and Future”
1:15:42 🌟 “Farewell Words: Leading the Way”

Dear readers 📚, today I want to share with you an amazing story ✨ about how one person can change the world around them, despite everything 🌍.

Imagine a person who started their journey in the world of journalism at a small radio station 🎙️ and became a renowned journalist with 30 years of experience at the world-famous BBC service 🌐. This person is Yuri Goligorsky. He was born into a family that endured persecution and repression 😢, but managed to overcome the difficulties of the past and make a mark on the international stage 🏅.

Yuri inspired me with his story of meeting and interviewing Margaret Thatcher 👵, where he not only managed to keep the attention of the Iron Lady but also gained her recognition of his professionalism 🎖️. His ability to engage in dialogue with personalities like Thatcher, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Shevardnadze shows that journalism is not just a profession; it’s an art that requires persistence, determination, and of course, a bit of courage 💪.

Goligorsky talked about his path in journalism, from taking his first steps in the profession to creating unique and influential projects 🌟. He emphasized that the most important qualities for a successful journalist are goal orientation and patience 🎯, as well as confidence that you will succeed 💡.

Yuri described himself as someone who always seizes any opportunity 🤹‍♂️, showing us that to reach the heights in journalism, it takes not only talent but incredible perseverance 🚀.

Yuri Goligorsky’s story demonstrates that journalism can not only inform society 📢 but also inspire it, changing the world for the better ✨. He proved that the power of words and truth can be a powerful tool in the hands of a talented journalist 🔍.

Let’s together discover a world 🌈 where every story, every interview, can be the start of a new inspiring journey 🛤️. A journey that will not only teach us something new but also make us reconsider what we already know 🔄. And let every story told by Yuri Goligorsky be a reminder to us that journalism is an art capable of changing the world 🌟.


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Yuri Goligorsky’s Journalistic Journey to the Heights of the BBC. ON THE VIBE OF SUCCESS — A blog about extraordinary people with Kristi

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